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Why Would You Bomb a Pile of Sand?

Writer's picture: Fred Fred

Well, the simple answer is obviously: You Wouldn't.

A few weeks ago, Israel escalated tensions in the Middle East by bombing Iran.

But something peculiar happened, instead of international condemnation, the world community was suspiciously quiet.

Then, a few days ago, I saw a small blurb at Axios that claimed that Israel destroyed an active nuclear weapons research facility.


Above is a live time Google Map of Iran. Israel wouldn't have even had to do any deep intelligence to damage Iran, they could have used Google to bomb active trade routes, population centers, or cultural landmarks. But no matter what Israel bombed, there would have been consequences. Instead:

Iran: "Israel did no damage to our country."

That's curious. So Israel just bombed a swath of sand? Apparently. Or Israel bombed a nuclear weapons facility that the Iranian government claims doesn't exist.

Israel: " We hit our targets."

That's also curious. So Israel admits that they shot rockets into a vast desert wasteland? Apparently. Or Israel didn't want to admit that they bombed a weapons facility that technically doesn't exist. It is in bad form to bomb a nuclear facility, some would consider it a war crime.

And the world is content with both country's lies as long as there is no escalation of bombing?

Good luck with that, I wouldn't be surprised if Israel wasn't bombing the crap out of someone by the end of this article....

Listen, I'm not saying Israel should or shouldn't bomb anything, I'm just saying that if you really wanted to bomb Iran, about 75% of the country is uninhabitable. It doesn't make a lick of sense to lob million-dollar missiles into the grainy abyss.

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