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Who Attacked WhatFinger?

WhatFinger is a Conservative News Aggregator site.

Every so often, they are very kind to link to some of our articles at Beacon of Speech.

I was surprised at the a attack on a few levels. Even though we are fans of WhatFinger, their current Web Traffic Rank in the United States is # 1,880.

If you're a hacker, I'd assume you'd attack an entity that was flush with money, like a multinational corporation. CNN, NBC, and FoxNews are all places I'd set my sights on if it was all about the cash.

Local nemesis has a Web Traffic Rank of # 917 to give you a perspective of where WhatFinger stands in the grand scheme of internet news.

And again, no offense to WhatFinger, but it really doesn't make any sense to attack them for ransom...then I came across this interesting blurb at RT of all places.

I tried to click on the RT story, but my computer blocked access. It argued with me, "this is a Russian Government Website." Yeah, I know. I tried to circumvent to no avail. (Today's article was written on a school managed laptop.)

So I simply googled GAY FURRY HACKERS and lots of stories came up.

This is a direct quote from MSNBC:

"It looks like hacktivists have joined the fight to shine a light on Project 2025, the far-right blueprint for reshaping the government to achieve ultraconservative goals if Donald Trump is elected president in November."

First of all, the "ultraconservative" group is the Heritage Foundation. They are hardly ultraconservatives. Ultraconservatives are in the same ballpark as Nazis. The Heritage Foundation has been around since 1973, and I remember Rush Limbaugh talking about them in 1989.

Let me review, because a lot of people keep having trouble with this:

Far Left: Ilhan Omar. Defund the Police Movement. Trans Activists.

Left: Liberals

Center: Almost no one.

Right: Conservatives

Far Right: Marjorie Taylor Greene. Q Anon. White Supremacists.

Now that's if you believe in the spectrum concept. The spectrum concept leaves off some very important groups: Libertarians, Populists, and Anarchists.

Rush Limbaugh: Principled Conservative

Ronald Reagan: Principled Conservative

The Heritage Foundation: Principled Conservatives

Donald Trump: Populist

WhatFinger: Principled Conservatives

Beacon of Speech: Unprincipled Libertarians

The whole premise of the MSNBC blog entry is a farce. All Project 2025 is, is an outline to implement Conservative Values at the Federal Level. Even though the document was constructed by former Trump staffers, many are beholden to Conservatism instead of the candidate.

Donald Trump is not about Conservatism but attacking his enemies. If the Left attacks Trump, he attacks back. That makes him a convenient ally for Conservatism. The harder the Left attacks, the more Trump wants to "beat" them.

Which circles us back to WhatFinger. I think that the Gay Furry Hackers attacked the Heritage Group, and before leaving cyberspace, found some links to Project 2025 articles at WhatFinger and stomped around in their figurative digital space.

We, at our core, are free speech proponents. If what happened at WhatFinger is linked to the cybercrime at the Heritage Group, that is fundamentally wrong. Actually, it's a symptom of what the problem is in American Society right now.

I have free speech. You have free speech. The Left has free speech. The Right has free speech. But the Far-Left is trying to portray everything right of center as hate speech.

I am going to kill my neighbor at 3:35 PM tomorrow with a chainsaw and I have a plan. That is hate speech.

I have Christian Values is NOT hate speech.

Every time the Far-Left tries to stop debate in the arena of ideas, that is a dangerous precedent.

I believe that WhatFinger was a real world casualty of the Free Speech Wars. Hopefully that hack doesn't kill their site.

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Aaron S
Aaron S
Jul 13

when are these losers going to figure out that nobody cares who they f$#$#k or what fantasies they enjoy while they do so?

YOU do YOU, let others do whatever they want. Keep YOU to YOU, I will keep ME to ME. I don't insist you put ME on some sort of pedistal of worship, so why do YOU insist that is done for you?

Grow up, or better yet, stop wasting good oxygen.


Jul 13

Hey, Y'all! I just found out that I'm an "unprincipled libertarian" as well, and from a "Whatfinger" link at that.

Great term that I plan to deploy willy-nilly, keep up the good work, hope to see more of you on Whatfinger or ProUsaNews!


Unprincipled Libertarian Virginian

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