According to Harvard University:
Claudia Gay is the VICTIM!
That's funny. Let me get this straight, the poor, prosecuted President of Harvard is an innocent victim? When I think of people who've had it tough in life, I often think of Ivy League presidents.
All Harvard has to do to fix this mess is to hire a different Woke, Black, Woman, Harvard Graduate. Try hiring one that doesn't plagiarize stuff this time.
That shouldn't be too hard.
Should it?
Daily Mail: Total Number of Plagiarism Claims Near FIFTY
"It were better that Ten Suspected Witches should escape, than that one Innocent Person should be Condemned." - Former Harvard President Increase Mather during the Salem Witch Trials.
Yes, Harvard is that old.
Yes, the President of Harvard's job was weighing in on witchcraft in the late 1600's.