This was the front of today. They are closer to the brink than they want to admit.
This Country Music Legend is Singing the National Anthem at Super Bowl LVIII -
I clicked on the link and saw a picture of Reba McEntire: Time on page - 5 seconds
Summa Health is Bought By Venture Capitalists -
I'm not clicking on the Today in Ohio Podcast to hear Chris Quinn yammer on.
Pizza Hut? - Locked article.
Goodyear? - Locked article.
Janis Joplin? - Locked article.
Tax Credit? - Locked article.
Replacement Tax Levies -
A Rotunda Rumblings article. Time spent on page - 20 seconds
Two 100 Year Old Cleveland Buildings to be Considered for Demolition? Locked article.
Up to 8 inches of Snow Possible -
Every news site in Cleveland has that. I did not click on's forecast.
Franklin University - (Ad)
Let's say I was looking for Adult Education classes. I'm not going to Columbus to take them. I did not click on the Franklin University ad.
Total time spent on website? About 1 minute. I saw all the locked articles and read the headlines. I clicked on no ads.
Chris Quinn - December 22, 2023: "And for the fourth year in a row, our company was profitable, meaning our journalism is sustainable."
I don't know how they're making money. I really don't.