Editor's Note: This may either end up being a Wix Commercial, or a warning about the end times.
So I was struggling with coming up with art in one of my last columns and noticed that Wix added an AI Image button. That could be intriguing, that lessens the chances of me getting sued for my sloppy visual referencing. Now there's an AI Headline Generator and an AI Tool Kit that I don't use, but let's try the AI Image button:
The Great Taco War at the Mexican Border:
"I don't think I like this one. Let's try another."
A Trail of Penguin Poop Drizzled Down the Jagged Rocks Near a Glacier:
"That picture is much too nice. It's not poopy enough, even though it's a nice picture."
Beacon of Speech Presents: An Apocalyptic Vision of the Deterioration of American Discourse:
"Perfect. I literally went from hating AI, to loving AI, in a split second."
Now Beacon of Speech partner Ted Koly has re-united with his bar band Waysted Space in real life. I asked AI to generate this: Local Bar Band Waysted Space Re-Unites to the Delight of Local Alcoholic Degenerates.
"Now I like it, but I don't love it."
Let's try one more time, but using a filter:
Let's try some gibberish: Zombie, Grayish, Branch, Reverse-Motion, Urban, Paper, Concerto.
"I guess results will vary. I expected something much busier."
How about some lyrics from the song Happy Happy, Joy Joy?
"Not the mental picture I would have used."
How about a different random mental picture: Kids Fighting While Playing Hockey on an Outdoor Rink.
"Now here's AI's limitations. What's up with that puck? Or lack of sticks? Or...what is exactly going on in the picture?
I want something busy, like a visual of Pure Insanity: